Dream Pirate 3D Wiki

Raincaller: Fight alongside Enel, Aokiji, Crocodile, Akainu = Haki + 55%

Luffy's father, leader of the anti-nationalism influence, strong and hidden.
Luffy's father, leader of the anti-nationalism influence, strong and hidden.
Innate Explode
Other Attributes
Accuracy 0
Critical 0
Anti-counter 0
Evasion 40
Anti-crit 0
Counter 50

Old Friend: Fight alongside Kuma,Ivankov = HP + 33%

Father & Son: Fight alongsideLuffy = HP + 22%

Secret organization: Fight alongside Saab = HP + 25%

A Punch: Equip Heavy Cannon Glove = Attack + 24%

Revolutionist: Equip Secret sign = HP + 24%

 Further Information: []

Class: S-Class Heroes

Info: Luffy's father, leader of the anti-nationalism influence, strong and hidden.

Recommended Builds: Def + Haki/HP or Atk

Singing with Brook:

Choose Kuma or D. Garp = Get D.Dragon

Choose D.Dragon = Get Ivankov
